{Fun Fair}

{Prize celebration at 9th standard show our success of 8th standard}

{We are the First Student of Computer class}
10th standard *1996-97*
Let me say something about 10th Standard Exam is very important in Myanmar education. This exam is the last exam for your high school life and also this is the choose of university exam. This exam will decide what is your future, what will you be (like Doctor, Engineer, .. , etc). If you are the highest 500 marks student in this exam, generally you can choose any Major you want. In our batch year 97, the doctor mark sets at 403. (It can understand like the 500th highest mark student get 403 marks in this year). That also means if you get less than 403, you won't be a doctor in this country anymore.
So every parents are so exciting than their children for this exam. They will do anything (find the best tution with a lot money, hiring Guild, ..., etc. - never finish count on it) for their child for this exam and will block everything (play game, travel, ..., etc.) will effect this exam.
OK, back to POL, we had 7 people (AT, KKS, HZA, KH, ATH, NL and THS) in our tution. I think we all are not that serious on our exam. (at least I was). We will play Table Tennis, Football, go to Game shop between one Teacher and another Teacher. But we don't have much funtion on the year. But still we are thinking that after exam where will we go. {Finally we didn't make it out.}
I don't get many stress on this exam. Because I never think "I must be a Doctor". Of couse I have my limitation. At least I must get a Engineer or Computer Major. And I am totally sure that I will get it even I don't push myself to the top. And we never compare with other Tution. (Most Tution want to compare to other - like all student in our tution get 5 D and 4D, so they never accept who is not the TOP ) In our tution, we are not create with TOP. Only i have my limitation is All in my tution must "PASS". This is really low right? When near to the exam, I am really worry for KH and THS.
Exam Time
I ddin't study all the Text Book. I just study some "SPOT". What "SOME"?? YEAP... ha.ha i dont' even study ALL the "SPOT". How brave I am?
I know myself, if i study all spot, i will forget all, so better take a risk.
I use one answering style like, Read one Question, Answer one. Never look at next question before the first one end.
OH.. I was really Lucky that all 2 choose 1 question, I only can answer 1. So actually i have no choose for my answer.
Eassy - the biggest risk..ha.ha I only study one Topic and the Topic is in the question.. Lucky AT. I still remember the Topic is about "Health"
I use 2hour 50minute of continue writing to finish my paper. When i finish 10 minute left for me to check back only. But that is enough for me.
After exam, friends ask me "how", My answer is "All OK, if give, i will get "D", otherwise "No"."
Stupid answer... But this is Ture. Because i can answer all, but givin "D" or not is on the Teacher Hand.
Before exam, i alreay know i won't get my "D" here. Because i don't smart on it. And in our Batch English D is verh hard to get. Only a few people get English D in the whole country.
After exam, "surely, no D"
Everything Smooth. I think I should get over 90+.
After exam, friends ask me "how", My answer is "If I dont' wrong, I will get 100."
Stupid answer again.. of course if not wrong, sure get 100 lar.
(Three sub subject include Physic, Chemistry, Biology)
I think I can asnwer all, but some is wrong.
In Biology, again 3 choose 1 question, I know only 1 answer. No choose again.
Until today, I am lucky all my spot have, But i have no choose on my answer. Because i only got one in question if have choose.
After exam, I know I will get D here and marks should be 80~90.
(Three sub subject include History, Geogrophy, Ecology)
That is sad, the first i answer is History. All fill in blank (8question), i know nothing. Oh.. Short question, Long question, all is not in my spot. I was comfuess so i choose to answer other subject first.
Geogrophy, oh.. no.. my state and division are totally not same with my spot. Nevermind I change to Ecology... damn... long question, short question all are out of my memory. My head is almost explose. But I sit and close my eyes for 5 minute and let my mind and my heart quite back. Because i know even it doesn't hit my spot, i won't fail. And i go back for History and just think back some history and write something. Really something only. Because i dont' even know what should be here.. i just want my paper is not Blank. This 3 hours is really long for me in my life.
The school bell is ring (I just wait for this a long time) and I know myself, it exam was finish and I will pass this exam but I won't get any "D" here. So Should I look like sad? Actually i am not, because i know it can't be changed anymore.
After exam, friends ask me "how" again, my answer is "I won't get "D". (dont' know why friend want to ask me, and they never believe my answer.) They feed back to me " don't kiding". I just smail back to them. I know they won't belelieve this word. In our Year, We always say 3D for sure, wish for 4D and 5D for god. At least Maths, Science and Art must have for us.
Final, final, finally, all exams are finished. I don't know why we don't have any special function for us to celebrate at that days.
I will tell our result here .. (no need to wait for another post - so good I am)
In MM education, we will know our Pass or Fail with "D" first and after 1 month we will know the marks.
AT 2D, KKS 3D, HZA 3D, KH 3D, ATH 4D, NL 3D, THS 3D ... haha.. unbelieveable I am the most less one.
I got 2D. what 2D??? Some teacher are worry for me, and ask my friend "what happened to AT at exam?" Sorry to all Teachers. :)
1 Months later marks are out. I got 397
Myanmar 72,
English 66,
Maths 99,
Science 93,
Art 67
ATH and NL gets enough marks to go to "MC" to become a doctor.
KKS 399 need 4 marks to be a doctor..ha.ha because of this 4 marks, you will never be a Doctor in this life...
Me 397 need 6 marks ...
My marks are almost the highest in 2D. So I got more marks than most of 3D. Why i say like this... see HZA, KH and THS got 3D but they all are less marks than me... Sorry sorry sorry... wish my word won't hurt it..ha.ha.ha ( I know you all won't )
After 10 years today, these marks are nothing.
ATH and NL finish MBBS. But ATH won't do a doctor. me, KKS, HZA, KH enough for Engineering. But no one study at YTU (Yangon Technology University). So may be only for NL will useful of these marks.
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