Happy New Year !!
I just remembered, I ate and ate during these days. Disappearing from the date of arrive on Myanmar. People who saw me are scolding.
For lunch was treated by Ko Zaw Win and his family. He called Ma Marlar also and we went to Myanmar Food. He ordered all kinds of meat with curry (Si Pyan). Of couse we can't finish all. After meal, he called us to a shop which is very far from town. That shop was about making picture with colorful stones. That place was something like a factory so cheaper than the shop in town. After that we went to Feel 2 and have Yoghurt. {For this all, thanks to Ko Zaw Win}

{MM Restaurant}
After that I joined back with KKS and we 2 went to Bo Aung Kyaw Street to pick THS up. We waited until she shop closed, so I and KKS went to SeinGayHar Mark II at Pan Soe Tan Street to buy some shirt for KKS. Later we 3 went to Shwe Dagon Pagoda, that was nice to go pagoda at new year day. After went down from the pagoda, we started our searching for Dinner. First we went to 7Up Restaurant for Hot Pot. Boss of this restaurant was my dad's friend, of couse he won't know me either I don't know who is he. But he knew my brother when my bro went there. All guests were came with their own cars, so the car parking in the park was already full and the gate was closed already. Our car also stopped beside the road like most cars. When we arrived the restaurant, I can't believe that was became 2 floor building and Full of guests. We can't even get a place. Being very hungry, we gave up this restaurant.
For Dinner, THS showed us to go to Smmit Park View Hotel. There was a Japanese Hot Pot Restaurant also named "Okka Suki" (i think the name is not exactly correct.) This restaurant was counting by US$, I think 12$ per person. There was some Thai Food for us to take ourself, and for Hot Pot things, they delivered for us. Because of the culture different, when I wanted to start to eat, THS stopped me. And she called the waiter to come, and the waiter asked want to eat. "Yes". Then she put all the things into the pot. "What"... In HK, we put ourself for what we want to eat. May be this is because of high class hot pot. Anyway this is my first time for Hotel Buffet Hot Pot. {Thanks to THS}

{At Shwedagon Pagoda}

{Okka Suki Hot Pot}
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